Advice for Commercializing Your First Branded Product
Commercializing a branded product in the pharmaceutical industry will require a well-devised game plan that takes learned insights and delivers a return-on-investment based on that knowledge.

How Do Features Tell and Benefits Sell in Medicine?
“Features tell, benefits sell” means that our clients; payers, providers, KOLs, and patients; will only be responsive to what our company has to say if we give them the goods and less fluff.

Web Analytics for Google
Google is able to track the success of each publisher’s campaigns in a myriad of ways. Using web analytics through Google Analytics, they may …

Steve Jobs: You Can Be an Inspirational Speaker
Giving a powerful, effective presentation can be a hurdle for some who are not well versed and apprehensive about public speaking…

Reaction to “Big Employers Will Use Online Startup to Save on Medicine Costs”
These types of digital health technologies are important players in the healthcare ecosystem because they are managing costs for patients and payers alike.

Why I Am Passionate About Digital Health in Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare
It is difficult to find a single definition of what digital health is and what it means for patients, pharmaceuticals, corporations, scientists, marketers, regulators, payers, providers, the government and the public at large.

Opioid Wars: The Rise and Fall of Opioid Marketing
The opioid industry is facing the ladder end of their product life cycles with legal battles that will take years and billions of dollars to fight in court…

Google's Ecommerce & Sales Funnel
Alphabet Inc. has a robust collection of ecommerce platforms which includes Google Shopping, Google Store, Google Play, Chrome Web Store, Google Books, YouTube Premium, and Google for Retail.

Brief Reaction to “Spending Bill Would Repeal Up To Three Obamacare Taxes” from Forbes
According to a recent article by Forbes, the congressional 2020 spending bill will include three additional repeals to the Affordable Care Act, after the repeal of the individual mandate earlier this year.

Reaction to “Facebook yanks misleading HIV lawsuit ads after protest, headlines and fact-check”
In a recent article by FiercePharma, social media industry giant Facebook has decided to pull all advertisements from personal injury law firms pertaining to alleged side effects of Gilead’s Truvada pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention.

The 6 Hallmarks of Excellent Telehealth Services
Before COVID-19 it would take most organizations many months to launch a new telemedicine service. Interest or demand was not very high and the individuals assigned to getting the new service up and running were only doing so part-time.

Patanjali's Ayurvedic "Cure" for Coronavirus: Real Medicine or Snake Oil?
The purpose of this article is to bring light to an issue that has occurred in India recently and is relevant to all medical practitioners who have been treating their patients for Coronavirus or COVID-19.

Digital Strategy & Monetization of Alphabet Inc.
Alphabet Inc. is a multinational conglomerate composed of numerous online, digital, and moonshot companies all independent from one another, yet housed under the Alphabet organizational structure.

Who’s in charge of your Telehealth Services?
This is a story about four leaders named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

The Top 4 Side Effects of Poorly Implemented Telehealth
These days, during the COVID-19 health crisis, telehealth is approached by many leaders as a necessary stop gap measure, as something that they have to do, because restricting patients’ access to care altogether is not a viable option for most healthcare organizations.

Medicare & Accountable Care Organizations
…if Medicare ACOs were to take on the financial consequences of costs going up, then those costs would be passed on to the consumer.